What Better Time than Now for IMPACT Based Pricing?

IMPACT based pricing

Is this the quarter your firm is going to start phasing in IMPACT Based Pricing because you realize the difference it will make?

As the end of Q1 draws near (seriously – how is it almost April already?), are you taking a close look at the systems and processes you have in place and assessing what works (and what doesn’t)?

Pricing model should be one thing that is always in the “it’s working” column. Is yours?

It’s the key decision you should be looking closely because pricing model affects every nook nd cranny of the company.

We Review Pricing Model with Clients

We have helped client firms phase in IMPACT Based Pricing over a few quarters. Our clients start with the easiest situations and progress to the hardest ones.

Clients love IMPACT Based Pricing because it makes a huge difference to their firms’ profits.

AND because it’s a simple way to stand out among a sea of others claiming they do similar work.

It’s so easy for a CPA, a creative, or a subject matter expert to get lost in the sea of competitors. “I just need a CPA!” sounds like anyone will do.

The CPA that practices IMPACT based pricing is not just a CPA, it’s a firm that transforms clients by providing decision making tools, modeling, and forecasting. Now the client sees where their profit is coming from and how to increase it many times over in the months and years ahead.

A compliance Subject Matter Expert helps client companies see the future with and without compliance improvements. Because the work is visionary, and priced for impact, the clients are better off and the firm makes more profit too.

When is a website design just beautiful art? Never, never, never. When designers help clients increase traffic and that converts to leads that turn into buyers, that’s impact.

How To Stand Out From the Crowd

When I first offered consulting to help companies increase revenue and profit, everyone thought “oh, that’s just sales. Get sales right and you’ll be fine.”

Fast forward 20+ years and everyone knows the sales mindset has changed. Buyers are more weary and leery than ever, and there’s really no such thing overcoming objections.

So, the question becomes – how do you stand out from the crowd?

IMPACT Based Pricing is one of the easiest ways to stand out because you are regularly listening to the real needs of the clients. Hearing their needs transforms into the IMPACT you deliver.

Your unique point of view attracts prospects. Putting a spotlight on delivering life changing IMPACT demonstrates how you work with clients.

And once a client has experienced the benefit of IMPACT Based Pricing, they want more. IMPACT Based Pricing makes nurturing and retention a normal, ongoing process.

Don’t Get Stuck!

That brings up the next question – how do you transition to IMPACT Based Pricing?

The single best method for transitioning to IMPACT Based Pricing is with a study and analysis of your firm’s recent past work. Looking at six to twelve months of recent client work is plenty.

But…here’s where so many services firms get stuck.

They don’t know:

  • What to look for as they review past client work.
  • How to identify life changing IMPACT delivered.
  • The technique for figuring out the ratio of fees to IMPACT delivered.

Which means they end up not doing anything.

And then they miss out on the opportunity to help their ideal clients meet their needs, wants, and desires.

Get Started!

That’s why I created Starter Calls. These are 45-minute, one-on-one calls with me (no groups of strangers where you fear revealing your company’s competitive secrets).

During the call you ask your pressing questions about pricing your services. You can tell me what worries you about phasing in IMPACT Based Pricing. We’ll discuss options and bring the call to a close with 2 or 3 actual steps you can take right away to begin phasing in IMPACT Based Pricing.

Do yourself and your clients a huge favor! Schedule a Starter Call with me this week or next. Clear the air and see your own way forward.

Click here to schedule or text STARTER to 703-801-0345.

Get Q2 off to a profitable start!

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