The Pitch: A Book, a Webinar and the Choice Framework

A prospective buyer asked three providers to describe why they are the right source of advice to achieve a big goal.

The Book spoke first:

“Mr. Buyer, my book includes everything you need to achieve this goal. It includes theory, history, tips, techniques, and checklists. You can buy the soft cover or the digital version which will be with you wherever you go. And all of this for only $19.99.”

Prospect: “When was the book published?”

Book: “Just one year ago.”

Prospect: “So that means the information is close to two years old, since it takes close to a year to write and publish a book.”

Book: “Yes, but…”

The Webinar spoke next:

“Mr. Buyer, my webinar is a series. Each video covers one specific topic. We have real people showing you how to use our tips and techniques. You can watch each video as many times as you like. And all of this is only $197.00”

Prospect: “When did you record these videos? And how do we ask questions if we don’t understand something?”

Webinar: “We recorded them over the past couple of years, whenever we gave a training to a client. We have an FAQ page on our website for questions.”

Prospect: “So this webinar series is actually a repurposing of previous content, right? Not made specifically for today’s needs.”

Webinar: “Yes, but…”

The Choice Framework spoke next:

“Mr. Buyer, our Choice Framework is not one take-it-or-leave-it product that is outdated or repurposed from other clients.

Each time we design the 3 three options in the Choice Framework, they are freshly created to respond to your current and particular needs, wants, and desires. We know that not everyone wants the same thing, so our Choices reflect what you’ve told us about your company today, your goals, things you may be struggling with, and what life changing differences you are seeking.

Each Choice will deliver an IMPACT for a fee proportional to that IMPACT.

We offer IMPACT PLUS, IMPACT, and IMPACT Light. All of the options include unlimited access to us so we can quickly answer your particular questions and respond to events in real time. We also assure you that we deliver the highest quality expertise and guidance with each Choice.

You choose the IMPACT; we go all in on delivering that to you.”

Prospect: “Thank you. The clear best provider for us is the Choice Framework.”

If books and webinar courses could talk, they’d acknowledge that they are static. That while at the moment of creation they might have been fresh and current, once those pages are saved or the camera is off, they are outdated.

There is no comparison to an expert in the flesh who is committed to customization and options.

To all of you professional and B2B services firms who have been tempted by the idea of “productizing” your expertise, I urge to just say no.


  • Develop your IMPACT Based Pricing vocabulary
  • Learn how to conduct a meaningful discovery call that invites and encourages the prospect to tell you what they care about
  • Adopt the Choice Framework

Write customized proposals that make the prospect say “Wow, they really understand me.”

I practice what I tell others to do.

If you are curious about how IMPACT Based Pricing will help your company earn revenue commensurate with your expertise, let’s talk.

If it seems the fit is there, I’ll design 3 options using the Choice Framework. Many people have told me the light bulb really went off when they received my proposal to them. They couldn’t wait to begin using the Choice Framework and IMPACT Based Pricing for their own clients and prospects.

Want to know more? Text IBP to 703-801-0345.



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