Should You Make a Cyber Monday Special Offer?

cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is all about making big sales online the Monday following Thanksgiving. But, you don’t sell sweaters, electronics, or sporting goods, which are all the rage on Cyber Monday. Could your services firm get a holiday season boost on Cyber Monday?

Yes, you can!

Services firms are in business to deliver life-changing outcomes to their buyers. Life-changing is big and your Cyber Monday offers can deliver even more, and also retain clients over time.

Which Firms Could Participate in Cyber Monday?

There are so many industries that could make Cyber Monday offers including:

  • Creatives: website designers, landscape designers, interior and exterior designers, writers, videographers, graphic artists, apps creators, speakers, and so many more.
  • Professional services: law, accounting, tech, SaaS, architects, licensed inspectors and safety professionals, consultants, and others requiring specialized knowledge and skill of a mental or intellectual nature.
  • Subject matter experts: regulatory experts, executive coaches, HR advisors, trainers, mediators, advertising pros, PR professionals, disaster preparedness experts, and others.

How to Make Cyber Monday Offers

If you’re tempted to join in the crowd and make an exclusive offer as part of Cyber Monday…

I think you should go for it—but thoughtfully!

DON’T Fall into These Traps

  • Don’t discount. Whether it’s time for services or the price for a related product, discounting is a poor choice for a Cyber Monday offer. People remember discounts for long time and expect them forever.
  • Don’t make offers without “use by” dates. Require that the offer be redeemed within 30 days or fewer so that you can deliver and move on.
  • Don’t create something new for Cyber Monday. The power of a deal comes when it’s offered for something well-known and coveted.

DO Use These Tactics

  • Do bundle some services into an easy-to-buy package because there are two advantages to this: 1) synergy multiplies the value of your services and 2) bundling means the buyer only has to make one decision.
  • Do make sure you have enough associates and time in the next 30 days to deliver the services in the bundle or at least start delivering. Once people buy, they want to begin to use their purchase quickly.
  • Do invite existing clients to take advantage of the bundle. People love rewards for being a client. For example, nothing says “we appreciate you” like a personal invitation or a chance to buy before strangers.

If Your Services Firm Also Offers Products

Many firms publish books or courses. These are easy ways to introduce the firm to prospective buyers. Cyber Monday is a great time to offer a bundle of products to create exponential value for the buyer.

  • Create a sales page for the bundle of products. Include simple online payment processing. If you’re offering a downloadable book or course, be sure the links pop up instantly after the payment is processed.
  • If you’re selling a hard copy book or other product, be sure you have fulfillment in place to get that product out the door by the next day. You don’t have to promise next day delivery, but you do have to promise shipping within 24 hours. Make sure your shipping charges are congruent with the product price.

Get Big Payback from Cyber Monday

As a result of your Cyber Monday offers you’ll be able to keep clients interested in your firm.  Here’s how to do it right.

  • Make sure you capture every name, email address, and phone number.
  • In advance of Cyber Monday, set up a series of emails (known as autoresponders) that will automatically go out after a purchase.
  • Above all, immediately upon purchase, thank the buyer.
  • Schedule the others to go out every 3rd day. Start with sincere thanks and appreciation again.
  • Follow that with a ‘tip’ to get the most out of the purchase.
  • Then invite them to subscribe to a newsletter or to get other offers in advance of the public.

Many services firms are unused to making Cyber Monday offers. If that’s you and you’d like some tips from me, hit REPLY or text CYBER to 703-801-0345 and we’ll brainstorm.

Remember to start planning today. Cyber Monday is November 29, 2021.


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