Do NOT give options to prospects…

I’ve had this conversation with Owners and CEOs many times:

Me: “Does your firm offer options at different prices?”


“No. We don’t customize because it’s too time consuming, we know best exactly what they need, and we give it to them.


“We charge an hourly rate. The same for everyone. It would take too much work to cost out a different rate for different people or for different work.”


“We offer many services for fixed fees, give the client a list, and they choose what they want. We add up the fees for all the services and that’s the total they pay.”


“We have so many requests for proposals that we had to create a proposal template. Our proposal admin fills it out and sends it to the client or prospect. We can’t spend time customizing or we’d never have time to get the work done.”


“We do a deep intake interview. Then we know exactly what the client needs, and we propose that to them. Options would only confuse them.”

If you agree with these statements, you can simply forget the Choice Framework.

Make a take-it-or-leave-it offer and take your chances some will say ‘yes.’

The Choice Framework

If, on the other hand, your firm is ready to accelerate its revenue growth, and to attract clients looking for more significant life changing differences, you will get results by adopting the Choice Framework.

These go hand in hand: clients looking for more significant life changing differences and higher revenue.

The bigger the desire, the more the buyer is willing—even eager—to spend.

Think of it this way…

Costly problems require interventions on a par with the cost and severity of not addressing the issue.

Or, for reaching big goals, the bigger the goal, the more the buyer is willing to invest to reach that goal.

Whether the client wants to resolve a costly problem or get support to attain a very big goal, you will help the client, and your own firm, when you give them options.

  • Options help the buyer evaluate your firm from their point of view. You don’t know what they know, so give them the freedom to do their own evaluation of your options.
  • When they complete this evaluation, they will have high confidence they’ve made the right choice.
  • They also see your firm’s range of capabilities. You can use your IMPACT PLUS option to demonstrate more breadth and depth than you’d likely show with only one offer. When you make a single offer, you have to weigh what’s too much with what’s too little? With 3 options, you can show them the full range.

Your IMPACT Light offer will still clearly change their life. It is not less in quality it is less in significance.

Options take more time, and the payoff is bigger IMPACTs and more profit

The goal of a profitable professional or business services firm should be to push their floor up year after year.

Use what you learn in one year to deliver more significant life changing differences the next year.

And do that year after year.

As you make a bigger difference to clients, you will attract more clients that want those bigger differences.

You’ll attract these clients with your marketing, the stories you tell, the testimonials you share, and the referrals you get from current clients.

There’s a bonus too…

The more you design more IMPACTful options the more you come to believe in your own firm.

If you believe in your firm, how can any prospect not also believe in it?

Is this your time to shine?

If you’ve decided this is your time to shine, do it with 3 options using the Choice Framework.

You don’t have to go it alone! Text CHOICE to 703-801-0345 and we’ll start the conversation.

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