Issue Chart and Continuum of IMPACT

Clients and prospects have needs, wants, and desires.

When you understand the differences, and identify which is on the client’s mind right now, you have taken a big step towards engagement.

How do you find out?

The million dollar question is this:

Is there something going on/on your mind that made you think we should talk?

Give them time to respond and pay attention to what they say!

Then you invite them to a simple analysis using the Issue Chart to guide your conversation.

The most effective question is this:

“Going back to what made you think about calling us, could you tell me, is this (idea, thought, plan, concern) something that just annoys or inconveniences you, or do you think it’s on the critical path?”

Once the client has chosen the relevant quadrant, you’re halfway there.

Next, you’ll want to learn how significant a solution/response/IMPACT will be to them. A familiar continuum works well for this.

You say “Let’s say you have a continuum from 1 to 10. If you get it (your issue, concern, need)  resolved, implemented, started, or eliminated, where would you place that?



For more details see the 6 perfect questions to “Get to Know You.”

Don’t forget:

Attracting great fit clients is complex enough.

Don’t complicate it even further.

Use the Issue Chart and the Continuum of IMPACT to find your firm’s great fit clients.

Need a boost for your Pricing Makeover? We have it right here!

The 60 Minute Pricing Makeover Mini Course is 5 timed segments that give you crystal clarity about the IMPACTS your firm delivers to clients. You’ll be ready to adopt IMPACT Based Pricing. And best of all, your clients and your firm enjoy greater satisfaction and build long term relationships.

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