25 Years of Thanksgivings

I’ve been saying Thank You to clients, friends, and colleagues for 25 years, ever since I launched Trivers Consulting Group in 1999.

It’s been an honor and a privilege to support so many Owners and CEOs of small and medium businesses.


  • Grown from solo-preneurs to companies with 30, then 100, then 300 associates.
  • Grown from $100,000 annual revenue to $5 million or more.
  • Pushed yourself and your colleagues up the ladder, away from the entry level impacts you started with, to deliver ever more significant, life changing IMPACTs to your clients.
  • Niched down to become the leading expert in your field.
  • Expanded horizontally or vertically to seamlessly provide more IMPACTs to your clients to meet their own lifecycle needs.
  • Adopted non-time-based pricing models, which gave you more revenue growth than you ever thought possible.
  • Taken some risks, moving away from “what everyone else does” to chart your own course and it paid off well.
  • Improved your personal financial health as your business became more profitable and gave you more to work with.
  • Taken more time off, spent more time on hobbies or personal interests, and been able to support your favorite charitable works.

Life brings us all ups and downs, fortune and fear, successes and sometimes shocking failures.

Through it all you have stayed focused on your company, your associates, your family, your friends.

I am thankful to all of you for the opportunity to contribute my support to your endeavors.

Thank you, thank you.

Wishing you the very best, at Thanksgiving and beyond.


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