How do we scope?
And how do we price?

Getting proposals right is the second most critical practice for professional and B2B services firms.

(The most critical is adopting a pricing strategy that compensates the firm for the life changing differences it delivers to clients.)

This comprehensive guide to Choice Framework proposals answers those two questions.

How do we scope?
How do we price?

Getting proposals right will increase both revenue to and client satisfaction with your professional or B2B services firm.

Plus, clients feel more confident when you tell them how you will change their lives (the IMPACTs you’ll deliver) and how much it will cost.

Click on the link for immediate access to the book.

Struggling to propose 3 options?

The struggle ends now.

I remember my own early proposal confusion every time I hear from an Owner/CEO of a professional or B2B services firm about their struggles with proposals.

I’d get advice from one expert: “It needs more meat.”

Another one would say: “Calculate their ROI and put it right up front.”

And then there is: “Give them your best offer, take it or leave it.”

Too many prospects:

  • disputed the ROI
  • told me some other company was offering the same for less
  • thought my offer was too expensive, too big, not worth it…

and they’d leave it.

Then I studied how buyers make decisions, and my whole business changed.

Buyers want choices.

Choices give them confidence that the one they pick is the right one for them right now.

Choices also give the buyer the freedom to do their own price-to-value analysis. When you tell them the ROI, they believe you’re biased. You are!

When they figure out the ROI in their own way, they believe it.

The Choice Framework Model is your guide to designing options that buyers will gravitate to.

There’s detail—but not so much that you will give up.

This e-book includes:

  • The Seven Sections that show that you understand the buyer’s story.
  • How to grab and keep the prospect’s attention.
  • The tone and language that turns prospects into buyers.
  • How to describe your unique and special way of working with clients.
  • How to connect fees to IMPACTs.

Stop hoping and start making it happen: Generate more revenue!

The Choice Framework leads you to design three options that deliver different IMPACTs—and ties different fees to those impacts.

Imagine being able to offer an extremely high value option for a fee that makes perfect sense for that high value.

And to offer another option with moderate value and an appropriate fee.

No more take-it-or-leave it proposals!

Did you know, most buyers choose to do nothing when they’re faced with a take-it-or-leave-it offer?

Although they do not call it “doing nothing.”

They call it sticking with what we’re doing now.

Professional and B2B services firms make a huge mistake when they think the buyer’s current actions are ‘doing nothing.’  That’s so disrespectful.

When you offer three options, you’re making it harder for them to stick with what they’re currently doing.

They see all the customized choices as a great thing!

You’re illuminating the range of possibilities, with fees calibrated to match.

The IMPACT Based Pricing Choice Framework Model for Proposals gives you:

Step-by-step proposal writing directions.

How to design three options offering various IMPACTs for appropriate fees.

The opportunity to show the full range of IMPACTs your company can deliver.

An appealing format that excites clients and prospects.

More acceptances. When prospects have choices, acceptances increase by 25-50%.

More acceptances equal more revenue.

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